Financial Donations
RealOptions is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All contributions of materials & finances are tax deductible. There are several ways to donate financially to impact our communities in the Bay Area through RealOptions. Our Tax ID number is 94-2820673.
PLEASE NOTE: When searching for RealOptions for any donation method, there is no space between Real and Options in our legal name. Thank you!
Donate Online
Credit Card donations are processed through our secure online donation form.
You can mail donations to:
1671 The Alameda, Suite #101
San Jose, CA 95126
Please make checks payable to RealOptions
Automatic Bank Donations
You can now set up an automatic bank donation securely through our online donation page. Simply select "Check/ACH" under payment method and fill in your account information. You can also choose Debit Card or PayPal as an option on this page. We will mail you a donation receipt upon receiving your donation.
Corporate Matching Gifts
If your company is one of the thousands of companies that match employee’s contributions, then you can double your gift to RealOptions!
Legacy Giving
When you include RealOptions in your estate plan, you not only take advantage of the tax benefits of charitable giving, but you also help secure the future of our purpose and mission for generations to come.
United Way
RealOptions receives funds from United Way through their "Designated Donations" program. If you contribute to the United Way through your work, ask your employer for a donor option card. RealOptions is account # 930412.